The fastest way to learn a language is to speak it from Day 1

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Learn a language quickly by practicing speaking with AI

We want to make world-class education accessible to everyone

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    Chris W

    I made PrettyPolly after many years of trying to learn languages. I studied French for 5 years at school yet - when I went to France - I couldn't speak to anyone. I assumed that I was just bad at languages.

    Later in life, I travelled with some French friends. I spoke to them in broken French at first but, by the end, I was able to chat to them fairly comfortably (and was even able to joke around). I realized then that there's no substitute for speaking to natives regularly.

    The problem is that we can't go off travelling whenever we want to learn a new language. It can also be expensive and time-consuming to organize calls with native speakers online or to hire a private tutor.

    PrettyPolly allows you to speak any of 36 languages with a conversation partner who is endlessly patient and helpful. Our ultimate goal is to use AI to make what is currently considered world-class education accessible to everyone.

    I would love to hear from you if you have any questions, issues or feedback. Feel free to email me using I reply to every email personally.